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Introduce Your Kids to the Kindness Elf This Holiday Season

Random acts of kindness can help your kids remember the reason for the season

By Eileen Colleran, Publisher of Macaroni Kid Wakefield, Mass. December 13, 2019

Spread some Christmas cheer for all to hear! 

That is what this season is all about, right? So let's spread some kindness! 

My family started a new tradition last year that I love. A Kindness Elf came to visit for the holiday season. He arrived on Dec. 1 and guided our children to do something kind every day.

Want to introduce a Kindness Elf at your house? He can show up anytime! I put together a printable letter for you to download and explain the concept to your kids.

Our "Kindness Elf"

What you'll need for this project:

  • An elf
  • Our printable letter introducing your elf to your kids
  • An empty and clean jar for your "elf" to fill with random acts of kindness ideas
  • Random acts of kindness written individually on pieces of paper

Each day your kids can pull a paper from the jar and complete the random act of kindness. You can also have them add their own ideas to the jar to make them feel even more connected to this project.

Random acts of kindnesses kids can do

Need some easy ideas for random acts of kindness your kids can do? Here are 25 ideas to help get you started. You can choose which ones work for your family, and add your own ideas to the mix!

  1. Donate a new toy to a holiday gift drive.
  2. Visit a retirement home and give out cards and candy canes.
  3. Make a card for your teachers and coaches.
  4. Bake some holiday cookies for a neighbor.
  5. Make a card or bake a holiday treat for the police or fire department.
  6. Clean up your room. 
  7. Give your sibling or friend a compliment and tell them why you love them.
  8. Donate clothes and gently used toys to someone who needs them.
  9. Donate to a food pantry.
  10. Pass out stickers or other small gifts to let friends know you're thinking about them.
  11. Write words of encouragement on sticky notes and leave them wherever a little kindness is needed.
  12. Recycle.
  13. Tell a funny joke to make someone laugh.
  14. Have a no trash lunch day by taking your lunch in reusable containers and using reusable utensils and a cloth napkin.
  15. Compliment five friends.
  16. Play a game together.
  17. Hold the door open for others.
  18. Do a chore around the house without being asked.
  19. Buy flowers for someone today.
  20. Take a dog for a walk.
  21. Donate classroom supplies.
  22. Leave a care package for the mailman or another delivery driver.
  23. Donate dog or cat treats to an animal shelter.
  24. Write a story or poem about the holidays to share with family. 
  25. Smile at everyone.

I hope you and your family enjoy this tradition as much as mine has! Enjoy the holiday season!

Eileen Colleran is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Wakefield, Mass.